Configuring static routes

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So your server has multiple interfaces and you want some of your traffic to use a different interface. Static route configuration is stored per-interface in a /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/route-interface file.

1. Go to the /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ directory

 cd /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/

2. Create a file called route-interface, where interface is the name of the interface that will be using the static route. In this example, we'll use eth1.

  vim route-eth1

3. Add an entry for the route in the format X.X.X.X/Y via X.X.X.X dev interface. In this example, the network we want to get to is, using gateway, on interface eth1 via dev eth1

Add as many lines as you need in this format.

4. Save the file and restart the network. You're done!