Creating a ZFS RAID pool

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Again, ridiculously simple:

 zpool create poolname raidz disk1 disk2 disk3 ......

So it would look like:

 zpool create storage raidz c1t2d0 c1t3d0 c1t4d0 c1t5d0 c1t6d0 c1t7d0

This will create a RAID 5 pool, single parity, by default. If you have disks to burn and want the extra safety of dual parity RAID 6, then do:

 zpool create storage raidz2 c1t2d0 c1t3d0 c1t4d0 c1t5d0 c1t6d0 c1t7d0

By default the RAID pool, like all ZFS pools, will be mounted at /poolname. In this example, it would be mounted at /storage