Re-configuring an LDOM host to be a standard host
So you've got a host that's been hosting LDOM's and you want to get rid of them once and for all!
Keeping the current OS install
If you want to keep the current OS install and just want to get rid of Oracle VM Server for SPARC, do the following:
1. Stop all the domains
ldm stop-domain -a
2. Remove all the domains
ldm rm-domain -a
3. List all the available LDOM configs
ldm list-config
4. Delete all configs except for factory-default
ldm rm-config configname
5. Select the factory default config
ldm set-config factory-default
6. Power off the machine and then power it on
shutdown -i0 -g0 -y
From the SP
stop /SYS start /SYS
7. After reboot, remove the Oracle VM Server for SPARC software
pkgrm SUNWldm SUNWldmp2v
Starting from scratch
If all you want to do is rebuild the machine from scratch:
1. Perform steps 3 and 4 from above.
2. Shutdown the machine
shutdown -g0 -i5 -y
3. From the SP, restore the factory default configuration
set /HOST/bootmode config=factory-default
4. From the SP, reset the system.
reset /SYS
You should now be able to do a Jumpstart on it and replace the OS completely!