Using ILOM on T5120/T5220
Default Username/Password
Username: root Password: changeme
Changing the default password
set /SP/users/root password
Sending a Break to the OS
So the boot PROM on T2 processor based systems works very differently. As the boot PROM code is shared by the base OS with any LDOM's that may be present. As such, the boot PROM code is loaded into memory on startup of the hardware, or the LDOM, and then dropped. So it's not always running as it is on older systems. So in order to break to the boot PROM you need to do the following:
1. From the SP, send the break:
set /HOST send_break_action=break
2. From the SP, start the console
start /SP/console
3. At the console, you will see the following prompt:
c)ontinue, s)ync, r)eset?
You want to reset, so:
c)ontinue, s)ync, r)eset? r
4. Type #. to break out of the console and back to the SP.
5. Send the break signal again to force the boot PROM to break and stop at the OK prompt
#. set /HOST send_break_action=break
6. Now start the console again to get to the OK prompt.
start /SP/console
Seem overly complicated to you? I think so too!!