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Revision as of 06:16, 8 November 2010

 # Kickstart config file.  Produces the actual kickstart file to be given
 # to anaconda.  Documentation for each option is listed in the comments 
 # above where the option is produced.  
 # This file documents as many of the kickstart keywords and options as
 # possible.  The models do not support all the options, but more are
 # added as needed.
 # Some document names are abbreviated:
 # SAG: RHEL4 System Administration Guide, English edition 
 # (rhel-sag-en.pdf)
 #platform=x86, AMD64, or Intel EM64T
 # Required
 # Kickstart Specific Settings
 # lang
 # SAG p9
 # lang is the language used during install.
 # langsupport is the set of languages to be supported on the installed system.
 # keyboard is the keyboard connected to the system.
 lang en_US 
 # Perform kickstart in text mode.  There's no need for a graphical build,
 # even off a CD/DVD.
 # text: SAG pg16
 # Install or upgrade?
 # install: SAG p8
 # upgrade: SAG p16
 # Use NFS installation media
 nfs --server=buildserver.mydomain.com --dir=/export/centos/5.5/os/x86_64
 # Network settings
 network --device eth0 --bootproto static --ip --netmask --gateway --nameserver
 # What to do after installation
 # poweroff: SAG pg 13
 # halt: SAG pg 8
 # reboot: SAG pg 14
 # System Specific Settings
 # langsupport and keyboard
 langsupport --default=en_US en_GB 
 keyboard us
 # System Devices
 # Bootloader
 # SAG pg 5
 bootloader --append="" --location=mbr
 # Network information
 # SAG pp10-12
 # SELinux configuration
 # Need to add SELinux Policy support through policy modules.
 selinux --disabled
 # System authorization information
 # SAG pp 2-5
 auth --enablemd5 --enableshadow
 # Autoconfigure mouse
 # SAG p10
 # "mouse" with no options autodetects the mouse
 # Optionally, it can have three arguments.
 #       [--device=ttyS0] [--emulthree] [mousetype]
 # Firewall configuration
 # SAG p 7
 firewall --disabled
 # Run the Setup Agent on first boot
 # Mode is one of enabled, disabled, reconfig
 # SAG pp 7-8
 firstboot --disable
 # Root password 
 # SAG pg 15
 # System timezone (set via %pre?)
 # timezone: SAG pg16
 timezone --utc Australia/Melbourne
 # X or no X
 # Either "skipx" or "xconfig --startxonboot"
 # skipx: SAG p15
 #clearpart --initlabel
 # Disk partitioning information
 # Partition information
 # zerombr: SAG p17
 zerombr yes
 # NOTE - Partition information is generated in the pre scripts
 %include "/tmp/partitions.ks"
 # OS Specific Tags
 # Use this section for tags specific to a particular config
 key bbe5b781bb89f5b6
 # Packages
 # SAG pp 18-19
 # --nobase is documented in various mailing lists.  For example,
 # http://www.sage.org/lists/sage-members-archive/2006/msg01378.html.
 %packages --nobase --resolvedeps
 . Lots of packages truncated!
 # Pre-install scripts
 # SAG pp 19-21
 # Partition information generator
 %pre --interpreter=/usr/bin/python
 import re
 import os
 partitions = [['/', 4096, 0, 0],['/boot', 100, 0, 1],['swap', 8192, 0, 0],['/var', 1, 1, 0],['/usr', 8192, 0, 0],['/home', 8192, 0, 0]]
 m_ide = re.compile(r'(hd[a-z]):\s+([0-9]+)\s+sectors\s+\(([0-9]+)\sMB\)')
 m_scsi = re.compile(r'SCSI\s+device\s+(sd[a-z]):\s+([0-9]+)\s+.*\(([0-9]+)\s+MB\)')
 i = dict()
 s = dict()
 pipe = os.popen('dmesg', 'r')
 for line in pipe.readlines():
   m = m_ide.search(line)
   if m:
     i[m.group(1)] = [m.group(2), m.group(3)]
   m = m_scsi.search(line)
   if m:
     s[m.group(1)] = [m.group(2), m.group(3)]
 ide_drives = list()
 scsi_drives = list()
 do_drives = list()
 for k in i.keys(): ide_drives.append([k, i[k][0], i[k][1]])
 for k in s.keys(): scsi_drives.append([k, s[k][0], s[k][1]])
 if (len(ide_drives) > 0):
   if ((len(ide_drives) == 2) and ((ide_drives[0][1] == ide_drives[1][1]) and (ide_drives[0][2] == ide_drives[1][2]))): do_drives = ide_drives
   else: do_drives = 'hda'
 elif (len(scsi_drives) > 0):
   if ((len(scsi_drives) == 2) and ((scsi_drives[0][1] == scsi_drives[1][1]) and (scsi_drives[0][2] == scsi_drives[1][2]))): do_drives = scsi_drives
   else: do_drives = 'sda'
 else: do_drives = 'sda'
 pfile = open("/tmp/partitions.ks", "w")
 pfile.write("clearpart --all --initlabel --drives=%s\n" % ",".join([x[0] for x in do_drives]))
 rstr = 
 for index, p in enumerate(partitions):
   if (len(do_drives) == 2):
     pfile.write("partition raid.0%d --size=%d %s %s --ondisk=%s\n" % (index, p[1], ((p[2] == 1) and '--grow' or ), ((p[3] == 1) and '--asprimary' or ), do_drives[0][0]))
     pfile.write("partition raid.1%d --size=%d %s %s --ondisk=%s\n" % (index, p[1], ((p[2] == 1) and '--grow' or ), ((p[3] == 1) and '--asprimary' or ), do_drives[1][0]))
     rstr += "raid %s --fstype=%s --device=md%d --level 1 raid.0%d raid.1%d\n" % (p[0], ((p[0] == 'swap') and 'swap' or 'ext3'), index, index, index)
     pfile.write("partition %s --fstype=%s --size=%d %s %s --ondisk=%s\n" % (p[0], ((p[0] == 'swap') and 'swap' or 'ext3'), p[1], ((p[2] == 1) and '--grow' or ), ((p[3] == 1) and '--asprimary' or ), do_drives[0][0]))
 pfile = open("/tmp/partition-script.ks", "w")
 if (len(do_drives) == 2):
   pfile.write("\n%post\n/sbin/grub << EOF\n")
   for d in do_drives:
     pfile.write("device (hd0) /dev/%s\nroot (hd0,0)\nsetup (hd0)\n" % d[0])
 # OS Specific Pre Scripts
 # NOTE - Grub setup, if needed
 %include "/tmp/partition-script.ks"
 # Set up the serial console
 echo ":: Setting up Serial Console ::"  >> /root/post.log
 perl -p -i -e 's/^(default.*)$/$1\nserial --unit=0 --speed=9600 --data=8 --parity=no --stop=1\nterminal --timeout=5 serial console/' /boot/grub/grub.conf >> /root/post.log 2>&1
 perl -p -i -e 's/^(\s+kernel.*)$/$1 console=tty0 console=ttyS0,9600/' /boot/grub/grub.conf >> /root/post.log 2>&1
 echo "" >> /etc/inittab
 echo "# Run serial console on ttyS0" >> /etc/inittab
 echo "S1:2345:respawn:/sbin/agetty ttyS0 9600 vt100" >> /etc/inittab
 echo "ttyS0" >> /etc/securetty
 echo ":: Done Setting up Serial Console ::"  >> /root/post.log
 # Save the configuration information for later reference
 echo ":: Saving configuration information ::"  >> /root/post.log
 mkdir -p /var/installation
 cd /var/installation
 mv /root/install.log* /var/installation >> /root/post.log 2>&1
 mv /root/anaconda-ks.cfg /var/installation >> /root/post.log 2>&1
 cp /tmp/partition.ks /var/installation >> /root/post.log 2>&1
 mv /root/post.log /var/installation
 # Post-install scripts
 # SAG pp 21-22
 %post --interpreter /bin/bash
 /sbin/chkconfig xfs off
 /sbin/chkconfig lvm2-monitor off
 /sbin/chkconfig sendmail off
 /sbin/chkconfig autofs off
 /sbin/chkconfig portmap off
 /sbin/chkconfig ntpd on
 %post --interpreter /bin/bash
 # We have to set up the issue files here because it changes for every
 # revision of the OS.
 rm -f /etc/issue /etc/issue.net
 cat <<EOT > /etc/issue
 * Access to this computer system is limited to authorised users only. *
 * Unauthorised users may be subject to prosecution under the Crimes   *
 *                       Act or State legislation                      *
 *                                                                     *
 *   Please note, ALL CUSTOMER DETAILS are confidential and must       *
 *                          not be disclosed.                          *
 cp /etc/issue /etc/issue.net
 # Add users
 echo ":: Adding users and groups ::" >> /var/installation/post.log
 groupadd -g 100 myusers >> /var/installation/post.log 2>&1
 useradd -c "Peter Papagiannopoulos" -d /home/ppapa -m -s /bin/tcsh -u 1000 -g 100 -p 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX' ppapa >> /var/installation/post.log 2>&1
 echo ":: Adding users to wheel group ::" >> /var/installation/post.log
 cp -p /etc/group /etc/group.bk>> /var/installation/post.log 2>&1
 sed -e 's/wheel:x:10:root/wheel:x:10:root,ppapa/' /etc/group.bk > /etc/group